Residential painting and commercial painting companies.
In fact, while residential painting companies specialise in doing a great job painting your home. They are often not equipped to handle larger painting projects, such as painting retail stores, hospitals, office buildings, and etc. Therefore, it is important to understand the differences between both residential and commercial painters.
Below you can find some of the most important differences:
Residential painters typically specialise in smaller and much simpler jobs, such as painting your home interior. They also usually have smaller teams, which consists of just a few experienced painters who are trained to effectively paint the home exterior as well as the interior. Their schedules also usually extend to regular business hours during the week.
Residential painters usually have specific knowledge of residential building materials, such as wood, and composite siding. But they usually have very limited knowledge of more complex commercial building materials and exteriors. They usually lack the experience and necessary training to paint commercial exterior surfaces. Furthermore, since they typically have a smaller number of trained employees, they may lack the staff power needed to complete large-scale painting projects.
Commercial and industrial painters are highly knowledgeable of commercial materials. They are typically familiar with both commercial exteriors as well as industrial building materials. They also have specialised tools, training, and experience to effectively work with just about any commercial structure’s exterior with superior service and quality. As part of their job, they may also work with construction companies on large budget projects, such as retail stores and hotels etc., which require a large team of skilled painters to complete the job according to schedule.
Commercial painting contractors are also highly skilful at improving commercial interiors, and they typically offer a wider range of painting services, including electrostatic painting, faux-finishing, epoxy flooring, sandblasting, and more. They also have impeccable project management practices, which means they are also more efficient at scheduling than residential painters. Furthermore, since they also have more painters, it means they can also schedule the painting job according to your hours of operation as well as complete the job quicker, so they don’t inconvenience your workplace.
They also have experience working with general contractors and have the budget to bring in the right people with the right skills and equipment, if needed, to ensure you get what you need. In addition, due to their experience in dealing with large-scale projects, they are also more readily available to handle any problems and increased needs that may arise during the project, which can lead to costly delays if they are not handled quickly and properly.
Residential painters are not familiar with the regulatory demands or hazards that exist with industrial and commercial painters. In fact, commercial painters must follow strict government regulations to manage the project properly. They must also see to it that workers are equipped with the proper equipment to keep them safe.
Finally, commercial painting contractors are also often skilful in industrial painting, which means they have necessary equipment to handle more costly industrial projects. Some commercial and industrial painting services include:
While residential painters may provide some of these same services, they do not, however, provide them on the same scale. Therefore, be sure to contact the right painting company for your business needs.
To sum up, the main differences between residential painters and commercial painters are their skills. Commercial painters may deal with large-scale business projects such as, industrial, government, retail, and etc. While residential painters’ job is usually limited to residential properties. Furthermore, commercial painters may also make larger investments in equipment that residential painters will never have a need for, which makes them more eligible for larger, more complex jobs.
If you own a commercial building that you would like to pint, contact LPD Painting. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced professional commercial painters.
Our painters are well aware of and adheres to strict government restrictions regarding your building in order to help ensure a standard and safe job. In the event that an issue arises, we can call in the right supplies, people, and equipment to quickly and successfully address the problem.
Lastly, we are renowned for our scheduling and project management in industrial and other large-scale projects which will prevent schedule delays and unexpected increased expenses.